Time: 5 weeks Level: 7-10 Key Learning Areas: Science Skills required: |
‘Humans only use 10% of their brains’
This is a well known statement that many people believe to be true. However, there is no scientific evidence to support it. It is a myth.
Research the brain using websites and textbooks to discover how much of our brain we actually use. This will to include, but is not limited to, the following information:
- A labelled diagram of the structure of the brain
- A description of the functions of the cerebral cortex and its specialised areas
- An explanation of hemispheric specialisation, including examples of this phenomenon
- A discussion about a study of the human brain that has furthered our knowledge of the workings of the human brain. For example: Split brain studies, aphasia, spatial neglect, studies of other brain damage that have informed our understanding of the brain
- A summation of why we know the statement ‘humans only use 10% of their brains’ is a myth
Present your research using posters, pictures, videos or presentation software. This can be done either verbally (in front of an audience, captured on video), or in a written format of your choice.