Children’s Book Design

Photo by Asturio Cantabrio (CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
Time: 8 weeks
Level: 7-10
Key Learning Areas:
The Arts
Skills required: Low level IT skills

You are to produce a children’s book complete with text and illustrations.

Task  1:   You must follow the drafting and editing process, including conferencing with another member of the class or your teacher.  Part of the criteria is that the book contains at least 10 pages, has a front cover and is bound.

Guiding questions-

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What makes a great children’s story?
  • What is an appropriate theme for my story?
  • What vocabulary should I use?
  • Can I use harder vocabulary if my story is to be read aloud by an adult?
  • How will I set out my story so that it is pleasing to the audience?
  • What font will I use so that it is clear to my audience?
  • How will I illustrate my story (hand drawn illustrations, computer images, collages, etc.)
  • What is the main moral message of my story?

Task  2: You must write an evaluation of your story explaining your choices as a writer and the effect they will have on the reader.

Guiding questions-                                                                                                                                            

  • Who is the target audience for your piece of writing?
  • What did you have to consider when writing for that audience?
  • Explain your choices in terms of- language used, font, font size, illustrations, colour, plot, layout, title, purpose, themes.
  • Is your story designed to be read to a young person? If so, how did this effect the language you used?
  • If written for a teenager what things did you need to consider when writing your piece?
  • What about your story is appealing to the target audience?
  • Where did your ideas come from? Were they influenced by an author/artist?
    • What literary devices did you use in your writing? (flashback, symbols,metaphors,imagery,similes,repetition,onomatopoeia,rhyming)
    • Does your story have an underlying serious theme? Does it teach a moral lesson? Does it reflect issues from modern society?