Facebook is doing more harm than good

Time: 3 weeks
Level: 7-10
Key Learning Areas: ICT, English
Skills required: Low level ICT

Are you a Facebook user?

Do you ever come across cyberbullying?

What is being done about it?

Are you happy with the current state of affairs?

Recent statistics indicate that almost 50,000 Australian children experience cyberbullying which can lead to humiliation and depression. With increasing access to social media this statistic is unlikely to improve, unless something is done about it. 

Should anything be done about it? Are social media sites such as Facebook responsible? What are your views?

Your writing

Considering your own and your friends’ experiences, choose one of the following options to persuade others of your views:

Write a letter to Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, with the aim of persuading him to deal with the cyber bullying that occurs on his site.  


Write a letter to the editor with the aim of persuading your audience that Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook team are dealing with the cyber bullying that occurs on that site.

Consider the following elements in your writing:

Perspective – You can write this letter from anyone’s perspective.
Audience – Make sure to keep your audience in mind
Research –  You may need to do some research to help with this piece.

Useful links




