Learn to Code

The ability to write code is a very valuable skill that can open up doors in your future. Watch this video and think about the types of people who are coding.

Time: 4-8 weeks
Level: 7-10
Key Learning Areas: ICT
Skills required: Low level IT skills

Writing code for beginners

If you are new to coding or don’t have much experience then you might like to begin with code.org, a web site designed to introduce you to coding in a simple way and then build up your skills.

You can opt to try the hour of code for a very quick activity or one of the 20-hour courses (I would suggest you begin with Course 2).

Website: http://code.org/

Another website you might like to look at is Microsoft’s MakeCode Arcade which will take you through step-by-step tutorials and allows you to create your own apps.

Website: https://arcade.makecode.com/

Writing code – advanced

If you have written code before and would like to learn coding at a deeper level then Codecademy is for you.

You can select from a number of different languages including PHP, Java, Rails, Python and HTML with CSS. You can also investigate the more advanced use of making use of APIs in your web sites.

Website: http://www.codecademy.com/


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