The New Superfood!

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Time: 5 weeks
Level: 7-10
Key Learning Areas: Technology, English
Skills required: Low level research skills

Move over kale, there is a new superfood in town! Create a recipe using insects as the key ingredient. Better still, make the dish. Create an argument to convince your school to add your dish to the canteen menu.

Guiding questions:

  • Identify countries that already eat insects as part of their regular diet?
  • What are the advantages of including insects in our diet?
  • Consider the advantages to both the individual and society.
  • How can insects be farmed for commercial use?
  • Can you currently purchase insects to eat in Australia?
  • What barriers currently exist that may prevent Australians from eating insects?
  • What could be done to help overcome these barriers?
  • How are insects cooked and eaten overseas?